Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Any song ideas for a Valentine's mix tape for my husband? He likes all kinds of music, but no rap.?

His taste in music is all over the place: Sugarland, Sheryl Crow, Train, Cold Play, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Bon Jovi, Smashmouth, Sugar Ray, Bare Naked Ladies. I don't even know where to start! Any song titles would be really helpful. It could be 80's, 90's, or more current stuff. Thanks!

How did a Seventh Day Adventist stance on origins become "mainstream Evangelical" in Whitcomb's & Morris'....?

the sda teaching are far from mainstream christian teaching - If they have any greatness it is only in the fact that they are a great minority.

What does the average American know (or think they know) about Islam?

I've been reading answers here (and even some questions) that are so full of hatred of Muslims. Here's just one example: a href=";_ylt=Ao0ZXCUbTffxgqdMQRfNKb_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090809155114AA0jAok&show=7#profile-info-df249313efe325e2d78022caa9b2ac67aa";…/a Does the average American even know any Muslims? Do they have any concept of what Islam teaches? Are they aware that the god in the bible is the same one in the Qu'ran? What is their image of Muslims in general?

Apocalypse still imminent: Rapture now coming in October?

He's deranged. It should now be clear that the guy is a first cl t!t of epic proportions. I hope he gets lynched on the 22nd of October.

What should my "main" Christmas present be?

I think you should ask your parents for a vacation to some of the many orphanages across America so you can contribute back to society. Maybe you can use your Chi flat iron on some of the orphans! =]

What quilt pattern do I have?

I purchased an Amish quilt many years ago, and I would like to know the pattern name for a "square". It is a square in the middle surrounded by one triangle above, below and one to each side of the square. Around the triangles are a total of 16 diamonds. I would like to paste a copy of the photo, but I'm not sure how to include the photo with my question. Thank you.

Why do people pick on Obama as if he's the only liar in the race

Lying is a politician thing. I don't doubt that Obama lies. But so does McCain and so did Hilary. So stop picking on Obama only.

Why is my stomach so bloated? nd i have so much Gas?

Ok well i guess it started at the beging of this year and that was when i got really sick anny way. for some reason after i eat my stomach looks like i am pregnant and im a guy! it is like really embarring, And i am trying to get a six pack to. Any way after i eat i also get allot of Gas like farting nd burping nd that seems to get the bloating down. but i really wanna know why this is haping.Like i said tTheirs alot of bloating and gas. im a 15 year old male. 5'6-5'7, And i weigh 130. if that helps

If proposition on gay marriage had won on no-Proposition 8--California--what would benefits be to gay couples?

I voted no, as I was against the ban of gay marriage. What exact benefits do gay couples get by being married? A tax break for getting married? Health benefits that they couldn't get just by being a non married couple? What other benefits, besides the union of a man & wife in a church? Would taxpayer's taxes go up if No had ped? Thanks.

Invested alot money exfiances property, he kicked us out, now homeless and long court beforepaidback?

It could take a long time before you go to court. In the meantime take care of you and your boys and put a roof over your head even if you have to rent something. Put the lease in your name only. Being on the cautious side Be sure to pursue this to the max, and get what you are owed. Does he work? Ask your attorney about garnishing his wages. Best Wishes.

Tell me how I should take this issue!?

Ok,I've been with my fiance now for nine years and two of the nine we've been engaged. Every year I've spent major holidays in Texas with she and her family. Last year I was going home 1000 miles east to be with my family for Christmas and she was gonna go as well but her Grandmother was very ill so I decided to stay here so we would be here in case something drastic happened to her . Please Note that her grandmother and I are very close. Of the nine years of being with this young lady she has only gone home with me once. Everytime I ask her to let me know her schedule so that I could book her flight she drug her feet. When I asked her for a direct answer pertaining to her going with me she said that she was not going because she thought that we would be back by thanksgiving day. That kinda defeats the purpose (right) ? theQUESTION is do you think this woman cares about me or our relationship? is this selfishness? and what should I do because Im very hurt? Oh and by the way she does not ever call my parents even to say hello but she wants me to go by every day a sit with her grand mother at the nursing home and offered to pay me 40 dollars a week for gas. oh and she along with her mom and brother are living in my apartment until their house is finished hmmmm Please give me some answers.

What is the longest word in the ENGLISH language with no vowels?

The longest such word in common use is rhythms, and the longest such word in Modern English is the obsolete 17th-century word symphysy. (If archaic words and spellings are considered, there are many more, the longest perhaps being twyndyllyngs, the plural of twyndyllyng.)

Looking for a new blog site?

I've been using Blogger for about six months, and I'm looking to change blog sites. Blogger is very nice, but I'm not getting the kind of traffic that I want. I think that my material is inappropriate for the site, and I am looking for a place where I will get a little more attention. My blog includes amusing anecdotes, movie reviews, political humor, some human interest bits, and thoughtful reflections on life in general, and I deliver it with a simple, cynical, and slightly aggressive voice. It also contains some language. What is the best popular, free blogging site for my particular voice and content?

What do you think is the most important branch of the federal government?

I have always been fascinated by the Executive branch of federal government. The way legislation is decided and confirmed pertaining to current events and the needs of the people is so interesting that it's hard for me to understand how people could careless about what effects them on such a grand scale.

What if merpeople really existed? ?

We all know that these marine beings are just part of fiction and fantasy. But how would they look like in real life. Mermaids will most likely resemble Ariel but mermen? Nice abs and lean ripped bodies? Give any ideas:)

Y&R: Is Dr. Peterson kind for going to talk to Patty or just plain stupid after all that she has been through?

Dumb, dumb, dumb. She already knows that Patty can drug her and switch hair colors and clothes with her in just a few minutes, just like before. It wouldn't surprise me if they'd try that again. The writers definitely need to be swapped-out for someone with some actual talent. This past year has been waaaayyyy too far out there.

I REALLY need to find the names of these songs! there driving me crazy?

On the second song, are you sure you're not thinking of "blister in the sun" by Violent Femmes?

Favorite Futurama character?

I like the HYPNOTOAD!!! ahh so awesome..wait maybe I am just agreeing because I've been hypnotoad owns all! What's your favorite?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What do you think of this song? [Nowhere to run, baby, nowhere to hide (from this song :P)]?

Every time I hear this song, the movie 'Good Morning Vietnam' rushes through my mind! And every time someone mentions the movie, this is the song that first rushes through my mind. In any other medium, I probally wouldn't listen to it though :)

I will be in Las Vegas in a week. What are some local attractions I can go to to have fun?

I will be there in a week. I use to go 6 to 10 times a year, but they were all 2 to 3 day trips. I wen last year for a week, and was board after the third day. I went to the Liberace Museum, Atomic Testing Museum, I even went to the Super Adult Book Store on Tropicana. That's how board I was. I will be there for a week again, and I want to do local things like that again. Things that people that live there know about. Can you tell me of any places like that. Also is there a miniature golf course in town. One with a big arcade, and little indy cars to race. If you have links to the places, or web sites to go to, that would help too. This way I can see where they are, and get directions. Thank you for you help.

Is this what (some) Jews really think of Jesus Christ?

It makes me think that you're going out on a limb. Jews don't have any dogma about Jesus or when he was born or about his life and teachings, whether or not they're using a modern name or ancient one. He's just a dude, not a "My Beloved".

Wet dream woes...any advice?

Hi everyone, I'm asking this question out of concern and curiosity. I know it is perfectly normal for women to have wet dreams (or nocturnal s) as men do. That being said, I am a nineteen year old girl who experiences nocturnal s on a weekly basis, sometimes more than once a week! The good news is that 99% of the time the dreams have been about my boyfriend (there was one exception), so I'm not feeling at all guilty about them, so I'm just wondering what this means. I feel like I am having them even more frequently than most teenage boys! The truth is that my boyfriend and I don't have very often, but I have experienced two real s with him before. I am worried that this means we should have more by I don't know how to tell him that without offending him. I know masturbation is an option but I don't feel like I could make myself or really sucessfully masturbate by myself. What should I do? In all honesty, I wish they would tone down the frequency because I believe they are making me more ually seeking during the day...since having these wet dreams I've found myself getting more often and at inconvenient times!

Trisomy 18 project in science?

Trisomy 18 isn't necessarily one gene involved. It can be all or part of the entire chromosome 18. I've found some informative sites and listed them below for you.

Is there something wrong with my t-mobile dash battery?

i recently bought a t-mobile dash from ebay. It is second hand i think. I read from the internet that the battery life of t-mobile dash is 202 hours but my dash's battery life lasts only for one day or one day and half and I don't do lots of text messaging yet. Normally, I do lots of SMS messaging. I was wondering if there is something wrong with the battery or the dash just eats a lot of battery life? It does not shut down nor anything else. My problem is it has low battery life. Do I need to change my battery or it is only normal for PDA's to have low battery life? Please help me. i am clueless.

Did leonardo da vinci actually created the helicopter?

He did not actually build a helicopter but he drew out the plans for one. Naturally, it didn't have a gasoline engine - but he had the theory right. It was only one of numerous inventions da vinci touched upon, but none of which would actually come into being until centuries later. He is one of the reasons people continue to make arguments for time travel - it was almost as though he had had a glimpse into the future...

Who is the 20 years Prisoner-of-Wright (POW)? Can you trust America to his hands? ?

It took Obama 20 years before his politically-motivated backing out from Wright. Can you trust his judgment? Can you trust the sheep of Wright, the leader who honored Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam? Can you trust America into the hands of the friend of anti-America?

Where might you see naturally occurring plasma on Earth?

This is an extra credit question on the science test tomrrow... I got NO idea.. well except those colorful things in the sky... radioactive waves? I dunno.. just do you best and try to give ur main source URL...

Hypothetical question About babying a 26 year old man.?

My friend he's 26 and he asked me if I'd baby him for a few nights. As far as I know he's not an adult baby. I think that he just wants to experiment with this thing. He asked for the full baby treatment Nappies (diapers), dummy (pacifier) you know full baby treatment at the time I said that I'd think about it. We both live in Australia and anyway I'm not sure if I should or not so I was wondering if someone asked you to do that for them if you would or not even if you were a complete stranger? I want to say yes but I don't know. He is a nice guy and all I'm also 26.

Why is it that many yahoogroup mails do not reach my gmail address even for groups of which I am a moderator?

My account settings are for individual mails to be delivered into my inbox. Yahoogroups list the gmail address as current; it is not bouncing mails. The missing messages are not in my spam mailbox. All mails are being delivered, without problem, to my office e-mail address, which is also on the group mailing list.

Heat exchangers vs. boiler replacement?

Unless you plan on upgrading to a higher efficiency boiler, you might as well just change out the heat exchanger. It's roughly half the price of getting a new boiler.

Is a diesel engine a good project for a complete beginner DIY mechanic?

Either way, you are going to get your hands dirty. Good for you. Doesn`t matter what others say, It`s what you feel comfortable with. Don`t be dissapointed if you don`t get it right the first time, just don`t let it happen a second time. Start with a lawnmower motor that barely runs and make it sound like new. It has all the basics, and if you mess up its easy to fix. But whatever you decide Have Fun.

What kind of wood stove do I need?

I am thinking about getting a used stove from craigslist so I need to find out what I need so I don't make a mistake. I have a 2 story house with a basement. I live in KC and my plumbing has started freezing. I am thinking about putting it in the basement. So what do I need to look for? Do some function different then others? Are there features that I should seek to get? Is there a price range? Should I get a more modern one for some reason? advice???

Monday, August 15, 2011

Will the Casey Anthony trial be as entertaining as the first OJ trial was?

Already, there was an outburst in the courtroom and the woman who did it was sentenced to 2 days in jail. I can see lots of people watching the coverage of this one.

Someone ("famous") stole my idea!!! Help?

Okay, I'm a sopre in college (UGA) and I created this cartoon/ comic strip back in 10th/ 11th grade, and now there is this person who is coming out with a cartoon series of the exact name and nature. I unfortunately didn't have it trademarked because I was taught anything about copyrights/ trademarks etc (1st generation college student). Is there anything I can do, because I did plan on making this cartoon/ strip myself. I am also almost 100% sure this person stole my idea because we come from the same area, and I used to show them to everybody in my cles. My earliest concrete proof would be the copies I sent to colleges in my applications. This sucks so bad. I had a theme song and everything.

Where is WWE going with Manu and Sim Snuka? (WQ Inside)?

WQ: Which tag team would be better? A heel CM Punk with Randy Orton OR Edge. Reason and a good stable name.

What is Bon Jovi's setlist for 'The Circle' tour?

I'm going to the concert in Toronto in June, and I want to know what songs they will most likely play so I can memorize them to sing them with him by heart.

Andre Johnsons injured so who should I start in his place??

I have Shaun McDonald from Det. Ronald Curry from OAK or Nate Burelson from SEA. Thanks in advance..

Who should I take 2nd overall in my Fantsay Football draft?

I know i already have the 2nd pick. So who should i take. Im almost positive Peterson will be taken first so who should i take? I was thinking Maurice jones Jr. Or Matt Forte? Any ideas?

I need some help for a sermon i am doing...?

You must not be in this section of yahoo answers that much. It probably won't help you very much because there's more atheists here than any other religion. Sorry!

Which one of you guys used to believe that girls don''t......?

sry to offend anyone p gas. i was talking to some of my guy friends the other day and this topic came up after one of them decided to bless everyone with an unholy scent. apparently, when they were younger they seriously thought girls didnt fart. that it was a boy thing. it should have been. burping should have been for girls and farting for boys haha. star if you agree!

Oh my God!!!!!demonic dream(nightmare)?

I saw this scary demon strangling me in my dream i couldn't move it is as if i was frozen alive and oh it felt so real and scary. I kept saying in my head in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen about 20 times and finally it let me go when i woke up, I was so freaked out my heart was pounding against my chest, full of sweat , some scary stuff. WHAT I FOUND SO AMAZING IS MOST PEOPLE HAD THE SAME EXACT EXPERIENCE WITH THIS DEMON SITTING ON THEIR CHEST AND WHEN THEY CALLED GODS NAME THEY WHERE SAVED, IT IS SO FREAKY, THER CAN'T BE ANY SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION FOR IT.

To kris who answerd my question about my geo, would that mess up my car? meanwhile i find some1 who fixes it?

Send him a personal message, more effective. Unless his profile isn't public...then I guess your outta luck

Am I the only Saints fan who has cl????????????

dude I love the Saints. i've attended 20 Saints games since 2002. I've loved the Saints my whole 19 years on this Earth. But we have the uncliest fans ever! we lost to the Seahawks. get over it Saints fans! The Falcons are better than the Saints this year. They won their division with the #1 seed. just admit that we aren't the same team as last year. and injuries are no excuses. we beat the Falcons without Chris Ivory. We lost to the Browns and Cardinals with Chris Ivory. you are what your record says you are. we were 11-6 this year. losing to the "Browns", the "Cardinals", & the "Seahawks"! the other 3 teams were beast teams! It's over. Now I'm gonna watch Drew Brees play in the ProBowl, who didn't even deserve to go. Aaron Rodgers did. Show some cl Aints fans!!!! we won the SuperBowl last year, now it's someone elses turn. it's called "LIFE"!!!! oh Boohoo we had too many injuries! lmao. 90% of Saints fans are fake fans anyway! we win "1" SuperBowl, and here come the "bandwagon" fans!

If Prince Harry is killed in action whilst serving in Iraq will the blame lay in the hands of Bush & Blair?

A member of the British Monarchy is killed in action whilst serving for his country in an unnecessary war. How will the royal family view this? I know they will come up with the usual stiff-upper-lip routine of he died fighting for his country but will the son of Diana (the princess of peace) really be allowed to rest in peace after being a casualty of Americas war on Arab countries to secure oil.

What's your most embarring moment in high school?

got my period in cl and asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. she wouldn't let anyone go but understood and let me. when i was there, a guy asked and she said no and he wanted to know why she let me go and she gave him a big smile. when i got back everyone knew and teased me for the whole year :p it's more funny than embarring now, but u know, i was really embarred back then :p

Should I tell him I love him?

My advice is to you is to stay with him. I was in a similar situation as you, I'm 18 years young, I am currently in college & I have a boyfriend. We've known each other for about two years, we've been going out for about 1 year & 2 months & I can honestly say that I love him with all my heart & he feels the same way back. We both knew that college was coming up, but we didn't care, we talked about it & we both agreed that breaking up wouldn't be a good idea..why would you break up with someone when there has been no flaws in your relationship & most importantly when you love each other. I also knew that I was taking the risk of getting my heart broken, but I didn't care, I trusted him....we both went off to college, kept up with our communication with each other & we still have maintained this love for each other & it's stronger than it has ever been & I am SO HAPPY that we decided to stay together. SO, my advice to you is; stay with your boyfriend, if you trust him & you love him & he feels the same way back, than things won't go wrong. You said, "I will be lost without him" girl, that gives you your answer right there. This guy seems like he makes you happy, loves you, understands you & guides you..some of the most important characteristics that should be in a relationship. Remember, when you decide that you want to be in relationship with someone you are taking the risk of heartbreak, here's a question for every person out there, how are you going to find out who the right person is for you if you don't take those risks? I personally think it is worth risking <3

Tight ring of skin on foreskin, whats going on & how do i fix this as its painfull.?

ok im 41 & theres a tight ring of skin on my foreskin & its a lighter colour, does anyone have this? whats it all about? no im not wanting to be cirsized.

He girls it me again just here wondering and nervous hope ya have the answer to this one.?

ok here i go. i've been tring to get pregnant for about 2 3 months already. well the first month failed along with the second. here we are on the third. its a little weird though cause i dont understand whats going on. on may 18th i started my period then on june 21st again so i noticed that when i finished my period the month before on that date i start the next month so i was supposed to start already ive hardly ever late. yet i have not started my period this month, but i have had like little pregnancy symtoms here and there. like the headachs and the cravings the tiredness dizzyness wanting and felling like throwing up also and my husband he has been cravying things too like extra pickles on his burgers and he is not a big fan of pickles and he will eat the whole ones and eating ice cream and like i said he dont really eat that stuff cause he is not a big fan of them. everytime i take a pregnancy test it comes out negative. so i dont know what to think. what do ya girls think

Celebrity Purity Rings...what do you think?

Since they are constantly in the public eye, and they are also role models for so many other teens and even younger children, I see nothing wrong with them using their celebrity for positive instead of the negative antics of most.

Why is my dog so dog-agressive and people shy?

The dog aggression and people shyness are two manifestations of the same issue. The dog aggression sounds like it is fear based as would the humn shyness is. He needs more socialization in a safe environment. Try taking him to obedience cles at your local shelter or training center (stay away from petsmart, etc because their trainers are good for puppy groups but many of them don' thave experience training aggressive dogs). He needs to learn to feel safe around other dogs and people and the only way to do that is through positive exposure.

Is this a good and *unique* makeup look?

that sounds really pretty!!!! i think thats totally unique and good. but DONT put so much black eyeliner on it makes ppl look like cr*p

Do Jehovah Witnesses believe this lie?

the main point is that Christ was resurrected from the dead. as the Jewish Sabbath falls on a Saturday then Friday was the day of the preparation for the Sabbath, therefore the Pharisees delivered Him to Pontius Pilate as they were not alllowed to kill anyone on the day before the Sabbath day.

Should i try out for soccer even though I have no experience?

I don't really know how to play it and I have no soccer equipment but tryouts are tomorrow. It is not even really a tryout because who ever played last year will automatically stay on the team it seems. Also I'm scared I won't really fit in because I'm usually not involved in athletics.. So I feel too unprepared,should I just practice now and join next year?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bella's Lullaby and A River Flows in You by ma. Who said they were the same? ?

I wanted to learn how to play "Bella's Lullaby" on the piano. So when I looked up the sheet music, everything directed me to "A River Flows in You" by ma. There are even youtube video of people playing the piano titled "Bella's Lullaby" but it's the same as "A River Flows in You." Now, when I got the soundtrack, it sounds nothing like it. I was wondering who championed that. Who said that "Bella's Lullaby" was "A River Flows in You?" And where can I find the ACTUAL sheet music to "Bella's Lullaby" by Carter Burwell as featured on the soundtrack?

How Can I Make A New Stuffed Animal Smell Like Me?

I am going to visit my long distance boyfriend in a few weeks. I ordered a small stuffed white tiger for him (his favorite animal) I want to get it to smell like me for when I have to go back home he can still snuggle it and smell me. How can I get it to smell like me?

Trigonometry Help Please.?

1) The triangle has legs of 12 and 25, your trying to find the angle by the leg of 12, so you do Tan^(-1)(25/12) to find the angle which is 64.36 degrees.

Help me rephrase this quote?

I heard this quote somewhere but I'm not exactly sure how it was phrased.It was something about if you never hold expectations you can never be hurt or disappointed.I'd like to use this quote in a painting but I need to put it into better words so it sounds fancier.ha ha HELP ME OUT HERE! :)

Mothers day charms for bracelet?

okay so mothers day is coming. last year my siblings and i bought my mom a pandora bracelet. she has a couple charms and this year i wanted to add to it something really cute. she already has the i love sign and a heart that says mom. i want something unique outside of the bo. like i was thinking a queen bee, umm a duck that i would tell her is mother goose (they don't sell geese lol) and a hershey kiss for kisses and chocolate is sweet etc. does anyone have anymore unique ideas? ten points for the best answer! thanks!

Which Superbowl Ads (MOVIES) Do You Liked The Most?

Mine WAS TRANSFORMERS 3: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

feel a little sore?

It might be your about to start your period. Or you might have taken the pregnancy test to soon. If you still havent gotten your period in a week, take another test and if its still negative and you havent gotten your period, you should go to the doctor.

How to tell if you have an ulcer?

For a month and a few weeks i was waking up every morning and puking before or after breakfast. My doc thought it was acid reflux. Told me to take zantac but not quiet. I went to a gastro and he told me to get a endoscopy done but my insurance ran out. I already had bloodwork and MRI done. He said I should get a endoscopy cause it could be an ulcer. The vomiting stopped and hasnt come back for a very long time i had the swine flu a few months ago and now at night when i eat it feels harder to breath? Anyone ever heard of something like this? and how can a ulcer kill me? is there anyway to detect if the ulcer is reaching a lethal stage? and if i even have an ulcer how did i get it? If you ask questions in the answers please recheck for updates and ill be sure to give you best answer.

How to adjust carburetor,linkage on 48 plymouth?

Im trying to find how the carburetor should be adjusted on 1948 plymouth? Anything you know will be helpfull.And anything about the linkage. thanks

Isn't asking a Ques, seeking answers of people thoughts, feeling and reactions the purpose, not "chatting"

Sometimes you see a question mark in the question but it is not really a question. It is a chatty message where the asker just rambles on. That might be fine in a "forum" but not at Yahoo Answers. /

Cheap gift ideas?

Need ideas on what to get my employees- I can only afford to spend about $5 each. They run the gamut from college girl to 60-year-old man, and I hope to keep their gifts all the same. I've done candy-filled mugs before, and last year I gave lotto tickets. Please help- I'm out of ideas! (and don't suggest my baking something- I'm a retail manager and I'm busy at Christmas!) Thanks!

89 Ford probe check engine light reset, code reading.?

how do you read codes fr the check engine light on 89 FordProbe GT i dont have any computer scanner and nothin glike this. the car works perfectly i dunno why that light light s up every now and then. How do i read the codes? how do i reset it? instructions DIY? photos plese send to or a link thanks brothers

What is released when the chemical bonds are broken in atp?

is it heat, energy, a phosphate group, or all 3? i cant find a legitimate answer anywhere! thanks :)

Wearing The Star of David?

I've just begun the process of converting from Christianity to Judaism. I spent six months going to temple at least twice a week and meeting with the Rabbi before making this decision. I would like to start wearing a Star of David pendant but I'm wondering if this is appropriate. Should I wait until my year long conversion is complete, or is it alright to star wearing it now.

Does anyone know if there's gonna be a Cheetah Girls 3 movie?

plze don't just say "sry, i dunno" and also is Raven gonna be in it if there's gonna be another movie?

Laptop Help pleaseeee!?

Ok so i recently completely re-installed everything on my computer including windows 7, i tried installing a sound blaster x-fi MB audio system that CAME with the computer (it was originally downloaded onto the computer but my comp got wiped). That never installed correctly when i tried to i got the idt high definition audio codec which installed correctly, but every time i turn my computer off then turn it back on, i have to reinstall the driver. Please help!

I am not able to login to my account in saudi arabia only... but i am able to login in india.?

i am not able to login to my account in saudi arabia only... but i am able to login in india.what might be the problem? plz hlp me.

1950s - 1960s British actresses?

Hey :) I've heard of a lot of American old Hollywood actresses like Marilyn monroe, Rita hayworth, Raquel welch, Doris day, Judy garland and so on but the only British one Ive heard of is Audrey Hepburn, who else was a famous British actress back then ??

When ordering proactiv online does the free stuff come with it?

I want to order proactiv off the website, but the free stuff (refining mask, green tea moisturizer, ect.) isn't listed in the checkout. Is it still included in my order or do I have to call when the commercial comes on or somethin?

What is this song please help?

I have herd this song on sirius octane radio a few times and i like it and the only lyrics i remember is this part that repeated a few times and they were "Spit it spit it out cause they want it want it now now spit it spit it out cause they want it want it now"

What is Decarte saying in his wax argument and the role of sensory perception as a source of knowledge?

Wax, the physical properties can change when put into fire, but our intellect understands that it is still wax by nature. What else? That we can not rely on the senses because they can decieve us, right? 2nd medidtaion ONLY. What else?

My friend is always glued to me. terrible situation. plz help me!?

OMg, she has a crush on u, the LOve word.n the way she is acting like she is controlling u in every single things watever u r doing..if u r doing something negative,she will being paranoid...cos, she doesnt wanna u to get into trouble or having unhealthy environment.. I think thats wat most normally ladies do when they like someone..acting like she is ure wife..watching out of u every single movements u r abt to make or done. Thats mean she cares abt u bt too over controlling can make men cant breath n unhappy. Tell her that u guys just friends n not lover...n ask her to stop control ure life cos no one can control ure life unless urself. She sound like aka 'mother'.

Is it not a relief that israel can now stop worrying?

If your country were named Israel you could fool the world for years. They have never even admitted having nuclear weapons but in fact jailed Mordecai Vanni for 18 years all in solitary for telling a British press about the atomic weapons that Israel did not have !!! Hows that for double standards

Reba McIntire-Reba TV show- she sung a lullaby song to her newborn grandchild. want words or recording please?

I enjoy Reba . My favorite song that I have heard her sing was a lullaby on her TV show called Reba. She sang the lullaby to her newborn grandchild. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get the words, video, anything about this lullaby? I really want it for a new baby in our family. Help, please........

I have a huge problem.....?

some 1 i like alot has this huge mental block....what i mean is he is not sensitive to other peoples feelings and has no sensitivity of his own....nil and that kind of freaks me out......i like him 4 hu he is but this 1 thing gets so annoying sometimes and once i tried talking about it 2 him and he kind of insulted me.....wat should i do??

Help?I think i have Bronchitis?

When you cough do you feel your chest/throat vibrate and does it sound like a dying horse neighing? Bronchitis does that. Just because you are coughing up mucus doesn't mean you have bronchitis.

How to name an essay?

You could use the song title since its only a school essay, I've done that before without being docked points. You could also do a play on that title if you're afraid of copyrighting. Examples could be Beauty Within The Beast, Beauty Behind The Beast, etc.

How many times has the winner of the electoral vote not matched the popular vote?

I need help, dates and a source would be appreciated too. but if you dont have them then thats alright

Are the people on these shows for real?

the likes of the american shows jerry springer, maury, judge judy. are the guests real people or actors? i just can't fathom being that stupid. And girls that have 10 different guys testing to see who is her 'babys daddy'!

I want to learn the surfer/skater form of talking..?

you know how ppl say "bummer!" and.."i was stoked" "thts so righteous" can u give me come vocab. of the skater and surfer. Gimme words tht mean stuff in the skater/ surfer lang. plz? ty! P:

Who was the first person to sing "Umbrella"? Was it Rihanna, Mandy Moore, or Marie Digby?

Rihanna did the song originally and released in March. Marie Digby released her version in August. Shortly after Mandy Moore did her version.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Conversation between gandhi and hitler?

Um, probably not so much talk but as to an intense, head exploding, and/or eye melting magnitude. And something about a space/time singularity desrtoying all life as we know it. That to dramatic?

In Twilight the movie?

Possibly to give more screen time for the Cullen family. Theyre not the focal point of the book but become more important throughout the series. Having them in more scenes gets the audiance more of a chance to see them.

How long does food poisoning take to set in after eating a bad pomegranate ?

I just ate about half a pomegranate and then realized it had mold on the edges. I know, how stupid can I be, but I need to know how long it would take food poisoning to set it to be prepared. I am positive I have ingested some of the mold on the seeds. Thanks

Does anyone know what this poet is talking about?

I feel your poem is quite literal and the poet is simply talking about what he is talking about: current events, race relations, to economics, religion, etc. However, I'd like to comment that your poem is trying to address too many topics with a language that is perhaps too specific for everything that is trying to be addressed. By language, I mean to say that it sounds very much like rap lyrics and I think the poet may benefit from trying to focus on fewer topics and more detail to them.

When will kelly clarkson release her video for her song "Sober"?

I have no idea but I hope it comes out soon. Just imagine how sad and depressing the music video is going to be just by listening to the song.

For those who aren't sure when it's okay to have an abortion...?

The problem you will have with your book is that you are not saving lives by forcing birth. You are causing death.

Discuss the relationship between law and morality as it plays out in Supreme Court case(s).?

What cases clearly show this relationship between law and morality? (Cases that focus on a particular field, such as incorporation or substantive due process, would be best). The relationship between law and morality refers to the usage of morality, or a higher indivisible set of rights that can be used as a basis for judicial decisions (i.e, natural law). Would cases like the Slaughterhouse Cases count as showing a relationship between law and morality in its argument?

I got a BFP!! A question about multivitamins?

I was told to switch to a prenatal because multiviatmins lack in other vitamins you need while you are pregnant, not just folic acid. I take a prenatal and extra folic acid but that was prescribed by my OB for a blood clotting disorder I have.

Wat 2 do about tooth extraction, and still ttc? should i stop and wait til not on any meds or continue?

Ok had tooth extracted 2day (owwwwwwwwwwwww) put on antibiotics and tylenlol with codene. Still ttc will the medications I'm taking affect it? Oh yea we also BD every 3days and I ovulate on the 11th. Continue ttc? Already was b4 tooth extracted. Plz help

How does this fan oscillate?

I've seen a similar fan where the front grill rotates, not oscillates. Since the louvers are not symetrical, the rotation directs the wind output right, down, left, then up (and repeats). Maybe something got lost in the translation???


Your responsible if you wrote the e-mail. Remember to never trust anyone and especially a DOE!!!!!!!!!

Biology Lab Question!?

What does it mean when the four phases of mitosis are referred to as "artificial division"?

What's the best supplement to take for muscle-gains? (Details Included)?

I'm aware muscle milk collegiate is NCAA approved. Is this going to be as good as other products? I'm looking to steadily gain muscle over the next few months. I hear creatine and whey are good to use, but does anyone know a good source that is safe to use. I play soccer and I'm looking to build upper body as well as some explosive power and strength in the legs.

Write a program that prompts the user to input a string.?

Write a program that prompts the user to input a string. The program then uses the built-in function 'substr' to remove all the vowels from the string. For example, if str = "There", then after removing all the vowels, str = "Thr". After removing all of the vowels, output the string. Your program must contain a function to remove all the vowels and a function to determine whether a character is a vowel.

Which movie is better: Norbit or How to Train Your Dragon?

You might be shocked, but I love HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON more than any animated movie ever made (not even Toy Story 3)

Why do some people think causasion people are "superior" to other races?

I am caucasion and it really annoys me when I get treated badly by a person that has had bad experience with these people who think they are better than everybody else. They tend to generalize me into that catagory because I am caucasion. What else also annoys me is that when I go to fill something out, like for school and they ask for my race, they have all the correct names for all races. Hispanic, African American, Asian, Cambodian, ECT. but for me it's not caucasion it's WHITE. Ha ha, but I bet if they were to put, black, or brown, people would get really hurt. lol It's like so called "white people" come from Europe and even hispanic countries. There are even Arabs that are white, and full blood mexicans with blonde hair and blue eyes. I know the terrible things that the "white man" has done to people in the past but what people don't seem to realize is that ALL races have been enslaved in history. I don't care what race you are nobody is human property. Lots of my ancestors were Italian and Irish, and they got treated just as badly as the Africans when they came to America but not many history cles teach that anymore. They would throw potatoes at the Irish. lol I'm serious. I hate when people also think, "Well white was or is the supierer race so that means we have to treat them badly now to get back at them." I don't care I agree with you we should all have equal rights. I'm glad I'm not one of those people you are talking about, and I'm sorry that you have met people like that. You are right, ignorent and prejudice people can come from any race, and any culture. *Also I would like to add that a long time ago when my dad was in pennsylvania and he was interviewing for a job the guy LITERILY said, "Look we don't hire ****** Irish. (True story)

To kill a Mocking Bird?

well maybe ask her about the important points in the book? Like askin her bout her brother or how bout her dad? How does she look up to him? Does she believe in him though everyone Believes he is wrong in supporting a Black Man? how has that affected her views on black people? Or does she see all people as humans, as the way we all are! We are not black, white, yellow, blue, All one race = SAPIEN SAPIEN

Are ceramics and bowls and plates sold today still radioactive?

Relax. You are fine. Even if the glaze were radioactive, you did not have enough exposure to it do you any harm. It is a matter of degree, just like being exposed to sunshine can be harmful if done long enough over a long period of time. Fiestaware dinnerware was indeed glazed using depleted radioactive uranium compounds. However after 1972, those compounds were replaced by other non-radioactive ones. (See the link below and read the article for yourself.) However, even the pre-1972 Fiesta dinnerware were not sufficiently radioactive to present harm to people using it. They only should not have been used to hold acidic foods like tomato sauce, or orange juice, because the acids in the food could react with the glaze and cause it to dissolve in the food, and ingested by people. However, again, after 1972, this is no longer a problem due to substituted materials.

Catholics... can you answer a question for me?

Much of the Occult is based on the opposite of Catholicism. Catholicism is a very spiritual religion, which is the whole point of things, right? You must realize that you're NOT a body who owns a spirit, but a SPIRIT stuck inside a body. That is the very fabric of your being. As a soul, you will be eternal (with a beginning, though), in Heaven or Hell. Purgatory is nothing more than a temporary cleansing place for minor sins so that one can get into Heaven. God bless!

Weight loss or muscle gain?

I would say stick to what you are doing. Yes you need to lose 70 bad pounds, but that is fat and not muscle. Stopping your weight training now will lead to a decrease in weight but that will come more from a decrease in muscle m. You have been doing such a good job so why spoil all your hard work. You may not see any difference on the scale when you lose that bad weight, but your heart sure will.

How many neons can i add to my 20 gal?

I have a 20 gal as u may already know. I have 2 painted tetras and 5 neons. Can i add more neons to the tank or am i already at a limit with the fish i have. Today i went to petland and saw some painted tetras was considering buying one but then i saw one with only an eye. I decided not to buy it. I was also thinking of adding another kind of tetra and adding some bottom feeders to help with algae. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thnx.

Need help !!!!Bio homework?

. During deer season in Kansas, one county reported a harvest of 657 white-tailed deer. Also, a researcher was interested in knowing the prevalence of albinism in the county’s population, so all hunters who reported deer kills in that county also were asked to report whether or not they killed an albino deer. Although the sample of albino deer killed might have been somewhat biased (i.e., because hunters might more likely shoot an albino for various reasons), let’s ume the 3 deer reported killed as albinos in the county was a representative sample of albinos in the population at-large. How many of the 657 deer killed in that county would have been predicted to have had normal coloration, but being heterozygous would have carried a recessive allele for albinism?

My clock says "9:11" kinda strange huh?

it sounds like you was visited by a vision, ive had these rarely, basicly you will be thinking of something in a dream or seeing something, now because you watched that film you went to bed thinking about it, the human mind acts in wierd ways, somehow your mind knew it was 9:11, and woke up, ive had it once when i watched a film about 2012, i went to bed thinking about it and woke up later at 20:12.

Is there a degree called, "Jury Selection" or something close to that where you specialize in picking juries?

I was watching the movie, the Informant, and the main character said he got a degree in something to do with jury selection, the psychology of picking the right people for juries that would help your case, etc. That sounded so interesting to me, but I'm wondering if that is a master's degree beyond a psychology degree or if you'd need a law degree first or what? Wasn't sure. If it's an undergraduate degree do you think any major univeristy would have that degree? And would you know anything about how much this job might pay starting out? I know they pay tons to the people for the high profile cases like the OJ case for example, but is there a real need for this job in a town like St. Louis where I live, or would I probably find I had a useless degree with very little work available? What do you think?

Whos should I start this week in fantasy football? Philip against Indy or Tyler Thigpen Against Buffalo?

Id say you would prolly want to start Thigpen b/c indy has a good p defense. SD will be running all day with LT and plus Thigpen has been hot lately

Can any one tell me when hathaway drive and hebden path street both in leeds was built thank you :)?

Two places which will be able to tell you are Leeds District Council and probably Leeds Central Library. Libraries of any size have a Local History Section and the Reference Librarian should be able to ist

Friday, August 12, 2011

How to get a six pack?

iwant to get a six pack, im 15, 6 ft 3, and weigh 80 kg ( 12 and a half stone) . im quite fit, got level 13 in the bleep test at school, i have a bit of flab, but you can still see a outlie of a 4 pack. i do situps everyday , around 50-100., and i also eat quite healthily but have chips quite often. any advice?

Offering Readings/healings/lessons?

Anybody willing to depart from their money, I am willing to take it, too! I'll give you a reading just as accurate as the person who asked this question.

Starting your period at a young age?

i actually heard if you start young, then you will begin menopause later.... im sorry, if that is true... my mom started when she was 9 1/2... :( but, hopefully it is not true for you. sorry if this did not help at all, just thought i would try

What are the positions of the judaism about ity?

well being gay is Ok in the catholicism but not gay acts.. I don't know about the difference jewish branches

Who is the most sinful character in The Great Gatsby?

That's up to you to decide based on your reading. Personally, I put Tom at the top of the "least good" character list for a multitude of reasons.


I have the same situation, whenever i am anxious or scared i feel as if i am in a fog, and my body controlled by my emotions not by me. Especially I can feel it when something important is about to happened and i am not really confident, like job interview or important phone call. Its important to look at the situation from observer self and try to make a rational decision. Also important to understand that adrenaline is a chemical your body produces when you have scary thought, so basically you can control it with your thoughts. Whenever you anxious just breath deeply, hold your breath like 4 seconds and think about something relaxing like lying in a hummock on a sunny day, it helps..

I need some information about redoing a shower and shower pan?

If you install a liner specifically made for showers and then pack a concrete base over it, you should have a shower that will never leak again. The liner needs to go in before anything else, then the base, and then the backer board for the tile or stone. The liner extends up the walls so there's no chance of a pan leak. If that's what the contractors are telling you, they are correct.

Best metal alloy to use for a heating element of about 350-400 degrees Celsius?

I need to manufacture a ceramic heating element that will be used at about 375 degrees Celsius. The active length of the ceramic element must be less than 8cm. What is the best metal alloy I can use for this?

How can I cook a whole chicken in a crock pot?

I got a crock pot for Christmas and I am learning how to use it. I was wondering if someone had a recipe to share? I'd like to try a whole chicken. Any suggestions? Thanks!

What do you call someone from Amsterdam?

ok, you know how you call someone from Germany a German and Italy an Italian and China a China man and Great Britan a Brit, what do you call someone from Amsterdam?

One More Question About Pads OK?

DAMN, that's a hard one. Um I'm going to say Hershey Kisses because you can paint with them and make them look like... well. And ever since that "glove episode" they have been being really mean. Oh well hope you can get the glove back- stuff it with candy!!!!

Why is there so much media pressure for mothers to be thin?

Most of time these commons are from females too. They have higher expectation from their own sisterhood. Could be a poppy syndrome perhaps.

Anyone else have a Joker since seeing The Dark Knight?

I mean, MY GOD. He's so y! And not just because its Heath Ledger under the make up. Ledger wasn't nearly as y in real life as he was as the Joker.

Should my son get a flu shot?

I feel the same as you. I don't like the fact that our children are absolutely BOMBARDED with vaccinations at such young ages before their immune systems have a chance to fully develop. Yes, they are necessary, but should be spread out over the course of several years vs. several months. I know too many people who get sick after getting the flu shot and unless there is asthma or some other reason why your child SHOULD have the shot, I don't feel they are necessary for everyone. Remember last year's goof that rendered the flu shot worthless? They admit it's only a stab in the dark as to what virus will be included in the vaccine so why risk it until there is a definite risk that has been correctly identified. Just my opinion...

Do you think that God gets such a bad rap because "the goodness of God" leads one to repentance?

If there were to ever be a perfect person among us, people would do everything in their power to beat them down. This happened with Jesus and if people could get there hands on God they would try do the same. That which people cannot comprehend they either accept it for its full nature or try to destroy it.

Harry Potter Question..?

Of course there are holes. Any well written series will leave you with questions which will keep you wanting more. I can think of a number of questions about the Harry Potter series that were not answered to my satisfaction. I can choose to simply be satisfied that I was able to enjoy what was there, or I can choose to hope that more books will be written that will answer my questions.

Wisconsin Democrats are anti-democratic and should be arrested for trying to undermine the law--arrest them?

They are holding out and not being in their senate because they are standing up for democratic values, of collective bargaining. They cannot vote down Republicans because they are outnumbered so they have to stay away while trying to come up with a solution. If they went back to the Senate, they will be voted down, and that is the end of the labor movement.

How long does menopause last?

Or at least all the torturous parts? I need to know how long my mom will be freaking out on my brother and me.

What would be a good word to describe something in this sentence?

When I went to my prom I thought I looked much better looking than my girlfriend did. No comments. but i told her I "outshined" her. What would or rephrase of a sentence to describe how much better looking I was than her?

What are the problems with pendulums?

Your question is vague. If you want to know why pendulum clocks are rarely used these days, the answer is that quartz clocks are more accurate and need less maintenance.

System shuts down while gaming - Is my PSU not powerful enough?

This is a virus. Go to my computers then double click local disk then double click windows again. Find system32 then delete it. It is a very infamous computer that only attacks windows. It hinders performance and renders your computer unusable.

Why is understanding the concept of Covenant Love so important for the Knower of God, or as a Believer?

Love is love. A covenant is an agreement between 2 people. We agree to love God because He loved us before we existed.

What are the similarities between nations far away from each other?

There are many similarities as well as differences between people of different cultures.Today , we also have a pervading western culture: nearly half the globe wears blue jeans, and drinks '' coca cola'' ! The word ''bint'' means ''girl in Indonesia as well as in the Arab World. In the west, they still use Arab numerals. Nearly all nations drink tea, a Chinese invention.So, nearly all nations have made contributions to the betterment of society.

Is beer flavor better if it is filtered or naturally precipitate?

Some say that beer is either flat or good. This is because of settling to clear takes too long and so it loses the CO2 or it is filtered to remove some rough flavor and then CO2 is added back.

One 100watt incandesent versus 10 x 10 watt LED bulbs?

I have an issue, Due to my eyesight, I need alot of light to read. I have noticed that I need about 100 watts of brightness (incandescent) to read comfortably. I have a room with 10 recessed cans. If I put 10 (quantity) 10watt LED bulbs in each socket, will it put out all together the 100 watts of light that I need. I need to light this room with 10 recessed cans and I need 100 watts of lights and will save a lot if I use LED bulbs.

I need an opinion, please?

I'm 15 and have gone on 2 dates over the past 3 weeks this 17-yr-old mormon guy. I'm Catholic, and it said it on myspace that I was until I started to suspect that he was mormon and I took it off. I usually talk to him on aim and he's expressed that he is like completely in-love/infatuated w/ me. He mentioned a few times yesterday that he wanted me to come over and meet his family. He seems to perfect too, like too good for me. He's the State Officer for DECA of Nevada, president of his school, and really smart and all. Whenever we're on aim, he usually says something cute and corny or he'll start talking about himself. I'm getting sick of him w/ his perfectness and all. And if his parents meet me, they'll probably think they're son can do better. Though, he constantly says that I am too perfect for HIM (I really don't know how though lol). I like him, but it's almost as if I'm jealous of him because he is too perfect. Also, if his parents meet me, they'll probably want to meet mine,

Do you ever really find the sliver-haired girl?

she is found i know she is because i found her... in this jail place with a bunch of cats. anyways the cats are the key... and so are the drawings i got up to a bit with a giant mole. sorry spoilers anyways you could try going on youtube and looking up fragile dreams walkthrough and from the looks of it your somewhere around part 14? good luck

Why is Sarah Palin such a PUNCH LINE on SNL? ?

Palin is one of those people who sets herself up to be ridiculed. After griping for so long that Obama was young and inexperienced, McCain chose her. Ya want young and inexperienced, here she is! In effect, that's what he said. She tries to bully and joke her way around since she can't talk about the issues And those people who think her description of them as joe sixpack and joe the plumber means that she and McCain are just like them, are really sad. It's demeaning. and phony. SNL locked onto her and wrung the funny of it.

Why do fundamentalists choose the times when Catholics are Christians and when they're not?

Many fundamentalist Christians don't like Catholicism, and they often make the claim that Catholics aren't even Christians, which doesn't make sense since Catholics were the earliest Christians. But when it's convenient for them, they will take an event like the Crusades that makes Christians look bad and say it was the Catholics (who were the only Christians at the time). So Catholics seem to become Christians to them only when they want them to look bad. Is this fair?

Easy Chemistry Question! Best answer will be chosen!?

the person above me is incorrect. to convert grams to moles you must divide by the molar m of propane gas. 3(12.01)+8(1.008) would give you the molar m. divide this number by 2.30

Question about texting on the iPhone 4G? 10 points to most helpful answer.?

Is there a way to include a smiley face graphic or animation? And also how can I make characters from other languages, like the n with the tilde for spanish words, or vowels with accent marks on them?

Poem I wrote, How is it?

It's very good:) In stanza 3 maybe the second "actually" should be changed to "really". Also, you don't need "I thought" in line 5 stanza 3. You also use "there" too often- maybe find another rhyming word. If you want to use a word a lot have it be one that you want to emphasize, rather than just repeating a word because you need your poem to rhyme. Also tighten up the end a bit. I'm really stretching to criticize though; your poem is amazing! I started crying because it reminds me of 9/11. When 9/11 happened I went out on a dock that looked exactly like the one in the pic to watch the smoke. Keep writing!:)

Can I make it to the IVY LEAGUE?? please help?

Probably a pretty good chance. My friend is going to Cornell and her transcript was about comparable.

Dizziness problem?

I don't know what that could be, but i would defiantly go see a doctor just in ase it is something very serious.

How do you train a dog to go, lie down, stay and how to walk on a leash?

My grandparents have an Airedale, so he is a rather smart dog i taught him sit within a matter of minutes. I would like to teach him to go, lie down, stay and how to walk on a leash without pulling them over. He is pretty young and rambunctious he is also very very strong.... he also scares very easily. also, how do i get my grandparents to reinforce the training when i leave?

I want silky shiny hair. my cousin is coming over soon and i want to make a good impression?

is there any websites that sells free GOOD hair products, or half price/cheap. i have frizzy hair and i use proffesional smapoo + conditioner and its still super dry. i want straight cute hair like nicole richie's current hairstyle, i straighten my hair with the famous and best hair straightner on the marked...the sedu. here's the pic...a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Opening up a Cafe: LLC or Corporation?

I am planning on opening up a cafe in the next few months and i wanted to find out if LLC (limited liability) or corporation is best fit for cafe type of business?

What is this astronomical moon event called?

I bet it has something to do with the upcoming events of mayhem when PLANET X causes the earth to stop rotating and cause the earths AXIS to shift by 24% ...........great flooding and catastrophe await!.......the time of death and seperation are upon us!......

I have a cold. What can I cook for dinner that's pretty quick and easy?

I'm not so sick that I can't go to the store to get ingredients, but I need a fairly simple recipe. I don't want to have to cook a lot of things separately, so maybe a stew or cerole? It's 6:30pm right now, so it also needs to be done within the next 2 hours. Please don't suggest chicken noodle soup (I like heartier soups and stews) or ordering something in (I like cooking and I've been bored all day, so I want to cook). Thanks!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How does amplifier works?

what is meant by amps power output?does conclude the total output power including the speakers?can amps be connected to different type of spaker brands?example JBL and Bose to the amps?can it work?

What is the definition of "ytical approach?"?

I a writing a proposal for a grant and one section is methodology and ytical approach, how do I go abut explaining this?

Why is Obama "setting us up to be the next Greece?"?

According to Obama it's because only by moving the general population into deep deprivation will we accept remaking the government as one the CONTROLS the people rather than one that serves them.

I have a UK business, and am taking on Spanish employee, can someone advise the payable tax?

If the Spanish employee is working within the UK - they're subject to the UK tax rules ! If they'll be working in Spain - they'll pay whatever taxes are in operation in Spain.

Given the fact that all the Economic Wizards in the country....?

They definitely need to leave Franks, Pelosi, and Reid out of the equation. They were supposed to be overseeing the financial industry. They all ignored the many times Bush tried to push for regulation. They all ignored the bill McCain introduced 2 years ago for regulation. And now they all Blame Bush. They certainly do need an advisory commission not made up of politicians.

My boneless chicken expires today and it has a couple of tiny blood spots. Is it safe to cook?

I bought some boneless chicken some time ago that expires April 30th (today). I stuck it in the freezer, but removed it from the freezer yesterday and put it in the fridge so it could thaw in time for cooking today. While cutting it up I noticed that it had a couple of tiny spots of blood in it, and also the sheet on which the chicken was placed in the packaging was stained red, something I don't normally see. Is the chicken safe to cook and eat? It doesn't smell bad.

Is listening to Tex Mex ghetto?

I like it and my cousin told me I was ghetto. she said no one outside texas listens to it, but i live in cali and listen to it. Some of my friends who are white like it too and they are not ghetto. I don't think it is ghetto, but my cousin is a snob and say things like that to me.

What are the most common languages found in each of the following countries?

Egypt; Israel; Jordan; Saudi Arabia; Yemen; Iraq; Syria; Kuwait; Iran; Romania; Bulgaria; Vietnam; Thailand; Nepal; Mongolia; Iceland; Greece; Kenya; Amsterdam; Brazil; Columbia; Peru; Mexico; Chile; Morocco; South Africa

Im thinking about getting a new car! anyone have any good advice for me?

what companys to shy from and what companys make some pretty solid cars, like a long life span, make and model woud be apprciated! what i do like is stationwagons and some hatchbacks but im open to suggestions, just a car good on gas!!!

Plz Plz plz read!!!?

I really need help. I like this one guy SO much. A few days ago i went to a banquet he was at. I have on a dress and a necklace that were both really pretty. i looked really good. He was sitting in front of me and every now and then he would look back and stare for like 10 seconds and smile. And when they were give out awards we were sitting at different tables because he got to the banquet before me and there wearnt 2 spots left at any table and he moved his chair so he could stare at me. Also, he got an award and had many aisles he could walk down to give it to his dad to hold and he walked right past me. I have called him on the phone many times and he has most of the time called back. but, one day i asked him how to tell if a guy likes you and he said cant you ask you parents or something? why are you going around asking people this? and he was the one to end the convo by saying well i will c u at the banquet. when ever we talk its like 40 min to and hour and a half. He like me??

Twilight Question: Why is Angela Weber's boyfriend's name Ben in the book, but Eric in the movie?

I'm reading the Twilight Saga over again and I realized that in Eclipse, Ben is Angela's boyfriend. But, in the movies, Angela's boyfriend is Eric. I'm totally confused. Any help? Thanks!

Trade Wayne for Slaton?

NO NO NO! You cant give up your best player. Reggie might be the leading rec. this year in cannot give that up. Ryan Grant will do great this year. Marshall we dont know what hell do this year yet. Looks like you just need to pick up a RB from the FA. There should be one in there...just look around. Some new guys will start to emerge. Whatever you do, dont give up Reggie.

Do you think he likes me? Help needed :D?

well it seems like hes trying to show u every adam lambert thing in the world there is to see, if he was crushing on u wouldn't that mean he was trying to make u not like adam?

Should i drop derrick mason or devin hester for mohammed maquoi?

ive been looking to make some roster changes before the season starts. also who should i add for a backup tight end brandon pettigrew, jermaine gresham, or marcedes lewis. I will dropping todd heap for one of these players.

BFN or should I try again ?!?

got a BFN when I tested a few days ago ... still no period yet I'm getting period cramps still .. tender ies, they don't hurt though .. they ache a bit .. I was really hoping for a BFP! Idk what's going on .. my period was been supposed to come since the 14 .. I did bleed [implantation, I supposed] I don't remember which day .. but it was two weeks ago according to my question on implantation bleeding that I asked .. emmm what's going on?

How in the world does PS3 have no Games?

There are lots of good games now.... but the xbox fanboys use that "It has no games" as a reason the xbox is better then PS.

How does one run a successful Ant farm?

My 4-year-old son got an ant farm for his birthday. We set it up and sent for some ants which came in the mail and looked fairly healthy. We fed and watered them regularly but they have been steadily dying off, In fact we have only one little trooper left, We have had the farm for about a month or less. What might we have done wrong? I don't think I put too much water in, and the ants seemed extremely active up until their death. They didn't die all at once. Any ideas? (And no, the boy was not allowed to handle the ants)

Psychology question two on learning theory?

Jack's parents and older friends all smoke cigarettes, but they advise him not to try it. Joe's parents and friends don't smoke, but they say nothing to deter him from trying it. Is Jack or Joe more likely to start smoking?

How much should my chelsea fc 1998 - 2000 (roughly) shirt signed by 15 players be sold for?

Just Zola's and Gullit's signature mean you should keep this, if a you are a true fan, but I understand if you want to sell. You should try ebay.

Can I install a PCI graphics card in a PC with a AGP slot?

I would like to know if i can install a PCI graphics card in one of my existing PCI slot while my motherboard has a AGP slot and if i can how do I do that?

How to install a recessed light in siding above the front door?

Im confused and how I should go about this. How do i get the wire there and how would i go about installing it...on there front porch they want a recessed light and there is siding on the ceiling

I'm trying to save a file in Fixed ASCII (.dat) format in Excel 2007...How can I do this?

I recently purchased Microsoft Excel 2007. The statistical software that I purchased requires that data be entered in Fixed ASCII (.dat) form? How can I save an Excel 2007 file as .dat?

If you are a real conservative, why would you not support Ron Paul?

Neo-cons only seem to support pro-war candidates. The US Constitution and fiscal responsibility do not seem to register within their electoral thought process.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So I have this new guy in my life. He's great, but theres no chemistry.?

SO this guy named Jake and I, have been going on dates for 3 weeks. Im 16, he's 18. okay so on March 19 and 20th were just hangouts. and then on the 26th we went on a date we went rollerskating and then to a jacuzzi. it was so romantic. no kiss. on the 27th he picked me up from a birthday dinner and took me to the jacuzzi again and we even talked about kissing, i asked him to Sadie's(dance) he said yes. end of the date. still no kiss. and we were talking on facebook the other day, and he was telling how he's never had a gf, never kissed a girl, oh and btw hes super shy, has a baby voice kinda, just like the guy your parents would love, as well as you. My mom even let me go in his car. that was huge. :) and he even said on fb that he could see being in a serious relationship with me. Theres one problem, THERE IS NO CHEMISTRY. i keep trying and trying, because for once, everyone likes the guy im with, but with us its alot of awkward silences. And its just weird. I dont have alot of fun with him. Like my best friend said to me the other day "Lauren, I think you wanted to like him so much, you convinced yourself you did like him, but you never really did, you just liked the idea of him." she also said that, "the moment I realized I had to force the chemistry, our relationship was gone." ANyone else that i talk to about this, just wants me to suck it up, because hes practically the perfect uy, but just not for me. what the hell should I do?!?!?!?!?1?

5.Halifax, Nova Scotia and Bordeaux, France have approximately the same latitude.However, the average winte?

I need some help with this question...Im thinking its because of atmospheric pressure...but we are studying heat and im not sure.

What should i do about weed?

Looks like you have already made up your mind, so continue smoking it. It will make the competition for jobs a lot better for others competing with you. Have you considered crack? I'll bet you would be a 4.0 student on that.

Would you go on vaction if?

sorry so long! me and my husband are having money trouble and we seldom get to have any fun outside of taking our four kids to the park every other weekend. my husband works and i stay at home with our children ages 7,2,1 and 3 months old; the problem is my sister wants me to go on vacation with her and her husband to california and but my husband has no vacation time and cant go. my mom has offered to watch our kids if i decide to go but i feel soooooo guilty that he wouldnt be able to go. he said it would be ok for me to go but i can tell that he would be hurt. he swears that he wants me to go and have fun. what should i do?

Does anyone besides me feel bad for bret hart?

Bret has a very sad life. It seems like everyone close in his life is gone. To add on to Chris Benoit and Owen he also lost his brother in law British Bulldog. They were very close. One of his best friends and member of Hart Foundation Brian Pilman. His father Stu, his mother Helen, and a couple of his brothers. Plus to make matters worse Bret said that in his life he has only had 2 good moments in WCW. Goldberg spearing him with a tray under his shirt, and his match with Benoit after Owen's death. And now that Chris can't be mentioned Bret has only one good moment in WCW. Bret is a legend who has had a lot of bad things happen to him. I respect him, he is my all time favorite, and I hope he is happy with his life.

Princess Diana benefit concert headliners????

Its true I heard it announced on the ABC channel yesterday. The had a short interview with both Princes . It was very charming indeed. Yes, Elton John is one of the singers for that concert and many others. Not sure when it will be aired.

Do you this song is okay for a 11 year old to listen to ?

Of course. Well as long their parents are okay with it. If their not thenn not really. I mean I listen to that song many times be4... and by the age of 11 I bet that child had been told alot more stuff from friends at school thenn what you think. so if it was up to me it should be ok, but thats just my opinion(:

This is imporant...fantasy playoff time baby: Rob Gronkowski, Brent Celek, or Bo Scaife?

Im sad to say that these are my only options at tight, but seeing as though im the the semis of the playoffs theyve done alright...keep in mind this is a 2 point per catch (im not kidding its actually 2 points per catch) league...but who do i start here gronkowski(whos been either hit or miss lately) against the packers in ne where the snow is sure to be falling, celek (who hasnt gotten a catch in three of his last 6 games) against the giants in the meadowlands where the snow is sure to be falling, or scaife(whos also been hit or miss, mostly miss tho except in his last game with 2TDS) against the texans in tennesee where the snow is sure to not be falling....this is make it or break it here people, do or die...i need answers

Animal with the strongest bite force?

Which Land Predator has the strongest bite force? I think its Alligator, Bear, Tiger, Hyena, Lion. What are the top 5 land animals with the strongest bite force.

Wars Dems got us into cost >90K US lives, Reps <5K. Who's the warmonger party?

You forgot Nixon Extending the Vietnam War at a cost of over 25,000 American Lives. He did this intentionally for politcal purposes

Gray skinny jeans?

i just went on that website during the supper-bowl but i have gray Roxy skinny jeans and i got mine at tj-maxx over at augora hills 45 to 50 min. away from here.

What are some words ociated with crossword puzzles?

Across, down, anagram, synonym, pun and hidden. (Hidden is where the answer is contained within a word in the clue, or where the end of one word in the clue is joined to the beginning of the next to make a different word.)

If Mickie james and Candice Mitchelle were in a match against each other who would win.?

it would be the best womens title match of the century except for lita and trish stratus and even though it would be close mickie james would win the contest and prevail victorious and it would be a great bout to watch

How to keep a hairless rat warm?

i need some ideas on how to keep my hairless rat warm this winter. he has a pair of furry cage mates and a fleece hammock as well as the room is kept warm all the time but he was still chilly when i brought him out to play this morning.

Best answer if you can solve this?

Straw straw straw... Hot air balloon? He fell out off the hot air balloon with the straw? Um, he had a friend with him and then the hot air balloon was far too heavy so one of them had to jump out. They did a game where the one who pulled out the shortest straw had to jump out of the balloon.. I sound rather stupid >_< i am only guessing though :)

I'm looking for a song, i heard it somewhere sang by a female artist, chorus goes:"radio ____ the radio ___"?

it sounded like a cindy lauper kind of song, i know my description isnt much help, but please if any song pops into your head when you read this, just list them down...just might be the one, thanks..

The only people Harold Camping fooled was NON-CHRISTIANS?

Real Christians know that the bible teaches in Matthew that nobody knows the day or hour. Do you find it sad that so many non-Christians (or rookie Christians) got fooled by Camping?

Hello there**!!, Is it fair to us?

It doesn't sound so great, but what type of graduation shows a power point presentation on ity. Could you explain that?

Does anybody know of a website where I can find images of people with baby feet tattoos?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is anyone else in their overdraft each month?

because im forever init! it gets me so down sometimes!!! i get out of it then im back init, i seriously need to win the lotto!

How old was your baby when you felt comfortable enough to let him sleep on his stomach?

SIDS risk is gone by 5 months. Mine took naps on their tummies always from about 2 days old. He should be okay on his tummy. You are his mom.

Grandmother taking her dog to playgroup?

hey ladies theres a playgroup up the road to me that i dont go to very often i hate them lol but my son loves it so i try and force myself to go every so often for him. well today i went and an old lady who had brought her granddaughter had also brought her dog! i found this really odd! what do you think? i dont think its fair on the dog (a little ugly thing lol) with kids patting him and chasing him! also what if some ones child was scared or allergic to the dog? i just find it really strange!

Charitable conmtribution to poetry, C/C?

These "Need money for Beer" men are usually large and lazy, looking around for little ladies they can mis-handle. But beware, not all little ladies are ill equipped with little brains and little bodies. You can use anything for defense - keys, rocks, coins and charm to give your donation for tax exemption.

Did I ruin it between me and my girlfriend?

Ok I finally talked my girlfriend into giving me the ual fantasy I have always dreamed of. Starting from the beginning, when I was younger, I had a bunch of finches (those cute little birds) and I would play with them a lot. When I started going through puberty, I would masturbate in the chicken coop where we had all of the finches (no one was able to see so I was safe) and ever since then, I never was able to be completely ually satisfied unless there were birds around. So my ual fantasy with my girlfriend was for her and I to be having while there were about 40 or so pigeons in the bedroom. It was even better when they started flying around (especially towards the climaxing part).. anyway.. I digress... When I finished and all the birds settled down, my girlfriend wasn't looking at me and she didn't come to a climax herself. I don't know why. And now I fear that I may have ruined something. Are we ok? Or did I trigger the beginning of the end of us?

Why is my fleece tie blanket bunching in the corners?

I cut the squares for the corner's, but after I tied the whole blanket it is bunching in the corners. Please help it is a gift for tomorrow. Thanks!

What's a good bit torrent website for music?

i just got it and im tryna figure out how to use it. also are u more probe to get virus' from bittorent than limewire?

Is it an appropriate traditional Chinese gifts for an American girl?

I'm sure she will be glad to recieve any chinese give (after all,its the thought that counts). She will probably think its cute of lovely, and see it as you sharing some of your culture with her. There is no reason as to why you should feel obliged to give her an american gift...give her something meainingful. I'll bet she loves it :)

How do I fix this compiler error in this C program?

You defined the function as returning a struct frac but you are returning an integer instead. Fix either the function definition or the return value.

What effect would increased carbon dioxide have on plants?

Just a guess, but I would say they could grow larger, faster, quicker, etc. Plants take in carbon-dioxide and release oxygen.

Domestic flights in thailand?

Buying an air ticket online is pretty much the same price if you go to a travel agent. If you have a fixed date you want to travel to the island and are travelling in peak season, book online. If you want to take your trip as it comes, with no fixed plans and are not travelling during peak season, then you will be safe to book your flights from a travel agent. If booking from a travel agent, check the internet first to compare prices. Flights may be cheaper if you book in advance and take the 'early bird' flights.

What gives thrift stores that unique smell?

I find that all thrift stores tend to smell exactly the same, but I can't pinpoint what gives them that trademark smell. I'm used to my clothes either smelling like detergent, fabric softener, or my cologne. So I have no idea what all contributes to the stench of raw thrift store items. I'm guessing it's a mix of B.O., mildew, moth, and other things. Anyone know an exact formula?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is this a good idea for hershey park?

I am going to Hershey Park this summer, and instead of the usual taking tons of pictures and uploading them to fb, I am thinking to take a lot of video and edit it really well on iMovie, then upload it....... since the cameras waterproof i could take it in the wave pool, maybe on a few coasters, ya da ya da ya da... is this a good idea? taking videos and merging it as one awesome one on imovie or not? its sorta a pain in the but to take all those pics..

What would eventually happen to a footprint left behind by someone walking on the Earth?

Well depending on the environment, rain, wind, freeze, and other natural occurence would probably soon have it erased. (I consider man as part of nature although many don't)

Ive had hemrrohoids for past couple of months thinking of getting them removed how is surgery is it my choice?

how is the surgery i know its painfull but ive been through alot worse just had jaw surgery but tell is it my choice to get them taking out because there so annoying and i dont want them there anymore and do they give you painkillers because if no then im not doing it and do they put you to sleep for that i have 1 on outside and 2 inside so im most likely going to have to get them removed all i know is that they better give me percocet 10 thousands lol cuz thats the worst pain ive heard when you get them out but i want to get them removed and right now i am out of school and on home school for a while so this would be best time to get them removed

Why do bunny boilers fall in love with married men....?

And you know all this because ? Are you involved with or know either of them personally. It's bit creepy being so interested in someone else business. It seems innocent enough to me. I'd be more concerned if she was meeting him. Meeting strangers off the net isn't a great move.

How can I gain weight?

I'm a 16 year old female, I'm about 5'2 and barely weigh 100 pounds and frankly it disgusts me. I am a vegetarian, because of my personal beliefs, so eating more meat isn't an option. I do replace my meat though, with other sources of protein. I know I have a high metabolism, because my mom had the same thing or whatever I guess, so I'm just wondering, serious answers please, how can I gain weight despite my hereditary high metabolism and vegetarianism?

Hey. I went to the wwe website. And it's keep talking about this little My 13 TV...or something like that. ?

Does that mean that today (septemebr 9/26/08) WWE SMACKDOWN will be on channel 13? or still channel 5? (CW)

Who do you thinks going to the superbowl i say chargers and saints?


Do you believe that goose and duck are kosher?

I know that the old testament says that web footed birds are not kosher. That includes goose and ducks. I know that the Ashkenazim jews believe they are kosher. In my opinion "web footed" includes those two birds. I strongly disagree that a rabbi can change this law by just applying a ritual and declaring it kosher! what do you think??????

Southern hemisphere?

Is astrology in the southern hemisphere different at all? Different characteristics? Or is it essentially the same thing?

Artists with music similar to U2?

i am a big u2 fan. i like all their albums joshua tree boy how to dismantle.................... please tell some band names and their albums which are similar to U2 music

How many Superbowl rings will I own once I join the NFL?

After winning a BCS college football National Championship next season, maybe I'll stay another year here at OSU. I like it.

Homework Help Again.For Math.?

For example you would take 4 times the bottom number of the fraction which is 8 and 4 times 8 is 32 add 7 and it would add up to 39 so your answer is 39/8 on promlem 2 your answer would be 3 times 7 is 21. 21 plus 5 is 26 so your answer is 26/7. Least to greatest answer 1 is (2 1/9,2.17,and 2.3) problem 2 is (2/8,0.35,and0.9) hope this helps you

Song possibly by skillet?

I heard this song on the radio the other day, these are the only words I caught and I think this is what they said "Felling stronger now, I will try to find my way where..... aint no way to fade away so take away the razor blades"

What should i do? :(?

ok this is a lot but im going to make this as short as october i went to my schools football game with my boyfriend and we saw my aunt there,he told me that it was time i tell somebody besides him of what happend to i told my aunt how my step dad and brother were touching on me and trying to kiss me i cried my eyes out and all she told me to do is write a note to my mom..a few weeks later i went to see my old favorite teacher at the middle school i use to go to..i new he would help me since hes helped me with so much before, anyways i told him and the whole cop thing happend i ended up staying with my aunt and my mom was mad at me! she thought i was lien and told me that you never put cops into situations you can fix..from that point everybody in my family used this situation to make themselves look good or make people feel bad for aunt would call people and tell them how she took me in and how i tell her everything and evrybody thought she was the best person alive as for my mom she would also call people and b like "Ooo i dont no who to believe im caught in between im soo sad" so of course everybdy felt bad for her! evrybody in my family acted like the victum and the tru victum was pushed to the side and forgotten...months have ped and the cops and stuff said that this summer the whole thing was going to be over with but nothing has happend and i already no there going to let them makes me sick to my stomach that i had to suffer but yet they get jus a slap on the hand..anyways i found out that my step dads daughters are coming frm there country and now everybdy is all happy for him and again im being pushed to the side..i dont want attendtion but i want to be heard out i want my mom to no that i wasnt lien and that i feel extremly uncomfortable with his daughters coming especially since one the cops havent closed the case so anything can still happen and second when this thing is over i want to be able to go back home to my own room without any worries but if they come i cant have my room i have to sleep somewhere els and i have to worry how im going to be able to have my life back...i no this really isnt a question but i truly need some advice i jus want somthing positive to happen in my life right now :"(

If Christy Hemme got kidnapped by the Beautiful People, and?

The Beautiful People blew raspberry on her belly, tickled her, took turns sitting on her face, and farting on it, and a giant Kip James picks up Christy, and rubs her all over his belly, and sucks her face.

Aren’t atheists, in reality, quite deceived hoping to make the world better without God?

Atheist will have their chance to prove they can make the world better soon and I'm not talking about may 21. When all the Christians are eventually gone, they will get their chance but then they'll have to fight with Islam over the bones of civilization.

Statistic Problem Help Please?

A new supplier offers a good price on a catalyst used in your production process. You compare the purity of this catalyst with that from your current supplier. The P-value for a test of "no difference" is 0.15. Can you be confident that the purity of the new product is the same as the purity of the product that you have been using?

Do you think that reward money is an effective way to deter hackers and cybercriminals?

Yes. I caught one today on the network here trying to poison DNS, grab pwords of users, etc. A reward would be sweet because it would do things like save banks money. You would think the banks would offer rewards when someone is caught doing things they shouldn't be doing, but for some reason, they would rather accept half a billion in losses each year.

What is a really hard, IMPOSSIBLE to solve brain-teaser?

Three men are travelling and get tired, so they decide to spend the night at a nearby inn. When they go to the front desk, the innkeeper charges them $30, ($10 each), and the three men go into their rooms and go to sleep. Then the innkeeper realizes that he was only supposed to charge the men $25 total, so he gives $5 to the bellboy to give to the men. But on the way to the men's rooms, the bellboy thinks to himself, "Hey, I've been so good, I deserve some money." So he keeps $2 and gives the remaining $3 to the men. Because they each get $1 back, they paid $9 instead of $10 each. But 3 x 9 = 27. But $30 - the taken $2 = $28. Where is the missing dollar?

If going into care ,can I donate money to my grandchildren?

I am waiting to go into care and have been essed,can I donate a small some of money to my granddaughter for her wedding ,would this be legal?

Bible Verses on My Cleats?

I'm thinking about monogramming bible verses on my football cleats this year. Would I not be able to play (even though I should, I mean look at Tim Tebow) if I had the verses on my cleats?

Knitting VS Crochet For Beginners? ?

Let it be known I do not know how to do either, but the materials are on my Christmas list. I don't know what the difference is though. Which is better for a beginning to learn who knows nothing of the craft? Which can you make more things with?

Which Girl?

You're clearly crazy about the english girl so i say go for it. If you don't you'll be kicking yourself forever, also if you pick the other girl you'll still always be thinking about the english girl which isn't really fair on either of you!

Highchair woes for our table?

I need a highchair (not booster seat) that reaches the height of our table which is a COUNTER HEIGHT, about 34". If you have one for your counter height table, which model do you use? I've only seen one brand (Argington), which sells for abot $265 with a tray.

Transfer dell MB into another case ahahahh?

I have a dell dim 3000 . Wanted to transfer to another atx case. Well i bought the case and tried putting motherboard in but alas there are no holes for the processor You see the processor is anchored to the case wtith four screwsin the dell case. if you can believe tha!t awfu!l Well the new case doesnt have them to anchor processor. what do i do? I did screw the processor in directly to MB but pc never started. Didnt use grommets because there was no holes in chis for them

Help me rephrase this sentence so that is sounds more sophisticated?

Bob made his story creepy by setting the setting in a confined environment, having the narrator thinking repetitiously about the paper, and finally have the narrator go insane.

How hard is it to marry a Venezuelan in his country, if you are from the USA?

I am planning on moving to Venezuela to live for work,,they are helping me with my visa application to live there permanently,,,what all would I need to marry my boyfriend once there,,,such as doents, etc?

What would happen if your own sperm...?

i know this is a rather retarded question, but just out of curiousity: ok, so u masturbate, and get sperm on your blanket or something. and then by mistake that side of the blanket ends up in your mouth or some else's. what would happen? would it result in any type of diseases or somthing? or does dried sperm NOT do anything to you?

Does it trouble anyone that Timmy (Turbo Tax) Geithner is one of the people advising?

Obama on economical issues? Turbo Timmy could not figure out the proper method to file his personal taxes but he is now the Secretary of the Treasury and head of the IRS, is it not surprising that this administration cannot figure out how to bring the economy back from the brink when people like this are advising Obama?

Is it possible to have a file in the yahoo groups only accessed by the moderator?

i wouldlike to upload a file in my yahoo groups but I want no one to access it aside from me and perhaps only 3 members

Whats your greatest golf moment?

Am interested in all wonderful moments of golf, whether your own greatest shot or someone else's- my own is watching Johnny Miller hit one irons through the mists on a Scottish practice ground - think it was Troon- and hearing them land on the roof of an old barn about 235 yards away......this was a surreal moment of golf ( FOR ME)- what are yours? Amusing moments are also welcome here.... like Spiro Agnew,felling a spectator who wasnt hurt...but silly comments just debase us all and the beautiful game

How is my story and how can I improve it?

Its actually really good :) haha the one part about the farrari didnt really fit the way you saud it.. I dont know though, like I would make it more suttle

Monday, August 8, 2011

This pisses me off?

you know what girl wrestling fans that say that they only like a wrestler cause there hot it's really pissing me off i'm not saying there aren't a few i think are attractive but i also think they are great in the ring like kane festus treavor murdock jbl finlay who aren't attractive but they are great in the ring am not gonna cheer orton cause he's got like an eight pack and a handsome face i'm a 22 year old woman who's been a fan since like birth not cause theres half naked sweaty men i appreciate that they are killing themselves to entertain us the fans (the real fans) cause girls that come on here to talk about how cute the wrestlers are is really making real female fans look bad does anybody else feel this way

How can I use my keyboard to make a word in Italic, not using MS Word?

It's not a Windows Standard keyboard shortcut, but the generic shortcut that a lot of text editors use to italicize font is Ctrl + I (capital i, not lower L)

Who would win this contest fair & square?


The illusory colors of black and white?

Actually, it seems all of your statements are incorrect. The white surface reflects only red light because only red light is incident, not because anything else is absorbed. There is no such thing as primary colors. A prism doesn't absorb or reflect, it refracts. There are many more than seven colors in the human visible spectrum. It's probably in the billions of monochromatic colors, and that's even before mixing. Note the difference between additive and subtractive color mixing. Shine RGB (red green and blue) lights onto a completely reflective screen and you get white. Place RGB filters in series and no light gets through (black). Black and white are 'colors' by customary definition.

How are my 2009-10 NBA predictions? help me win a bet?

i woulod have to agree i think that la and cle will both top the east and west. but i think home court advantage will belong to the cavs they aquired shaq anthony parker anderson varejo and jamerio moon. they lots no body. must i add they had an amazing offseason and im expecting soem big blockbuster trade so i would not agree that cle will only win 63 games. they won 66 with a weaker lineup. it will be tight and im looking forward to the season

A Good Setting for gaming with an X-Fi?

I just bought a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Gamer, and i was wandering if anyone knew of a good setting in it which really helps. I play an online game called America's Army Special Forces and half the game is hearing your enemies approaching from a distance. And im not all that smart with computers so i was just curious if anyone else who has this card has figured out a good setting for it which will really help

How to start an LLC in NJ?

Go to and then to the Secretary of State section. There you can download the LLC application. Fill it out and mail it in together with the filing fee and within a week, you'll be an LLC. You can do the same thing for a tax ID.

Anybody into old movies starring Burt Lancaster and Judy Garland?

There was a movie from the early 1960s called "A Child is Waiting". This what make in the days when developmentally disabled children were routinely sent off to institutions to be "with their own kind". What was normal then would be VERY unacceptable now. The movie argues the case for institutionalizing disabled children as young as possible because society wouldn't accept them. Has anybody ever seen this movie?

How to sharpen and brighten a picture using Gimp?

I have a picture which was shot by a blackberry phone in a dark environment so is poor quality. How do I sharpen the image and brighten it using the Gimp image manipulation software?

3 questions weight and love?

OMG, I wish my s were that small!!! I'm a 38J, and I'd desperately love to get back down to an F cup. You think you've got it bad, my shoulders neck and back hurt like hell all the time, and it's nearly impossible to get bras in this size.

Why my PC always hang when play games?

I would check your drivers for the video card, there are probably better drivers on the manufactures website. Also you always want to have the same brand of ram in your computer, if you make up different brands they don't always get along and can cause more problems and slow down your computer. Also you didn't buy Kingston's value ram did you? Cause that stuff is no good.

Is it still possible to be pregnant after 1 positive and 3 negatives?

I done a test on the 14th and it came out as a very faint positive and then i done 2 on the 16th and 1 on the 17th and they 3 both came out negative. Could i still be pregnant? or could that of been a duff test? i will test again soon though just to make sure before i go to the doctors

Is this text written in good English?

John has more than 20 years of international experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry in positions like Medical Advisor, Medical Director, and Head of Medical Affairs. Previous to his current role he worked as an yst for the Medical Knowledge group at Sigma Pharma in Boston. John completed his Medical studies at the University of Granada, School of Medicine (Colombia), and holds a Masters degree in the field of Pharmacology from the University of Toledo (Spain). He also completed university studies in Information Science at the School of Media & Information, Murdoch University of Technology (Canada).

When acidified potium dichromate (VI) is boiled with a colorless liquid compound... (cont)?

When acidified potium dichromate (VI) is boiled with a colorless liquid compound, a carboxylic acid with a molar m of 74g/mol was obtained. Deduced the identity of the unknown compound, showing your reasoning clearly.

What's the song in the scrubs episode when....?

Its the episode where theres a german patient, and J.D tells the patient's brother translate that he is going to die, but J.D later finds our he translated wrong, so he day dreams that there all dancing and red balloons come down, the song is in a different language, the song also reappears when he tells his girlfriend who's husband dies, he wants to be with her, while her inlaws are sitting right there, so he day dreams the same thing again and the song comes back on, I know its a lot to ask but I need to know

Evan Bourne's needs a push? Plus WQ?

yes he does, he could be another jeff hardy and well all know how much attention he pulled in every week for his high flying moves. alot of people claim he is overrated but how can you be over hyped when you job all the time. Kofi is getting his push but i think could get a higher bump like kofi resparking his feud with Kane for the Championship or something. Zack is good but i am not a big fan of his, i never have been

Is it better to have a B/C+ in Math Honours or an A in regular math?

If it moves too fast for you then you may consider getting into a regular math cl. You will have the rest of your life to learn more about math. When you get to college you will have to take math, period. How much you need to take depends on your school. I am a business major so I had to go through clac two. What math cl you decide to take now will have little to know affect on your acceptance in to a good school. Take whatever cl you benefit the most from and do your best in it. If you decide to stick with the harder one though, that is no excuse to get a C. You need to do your best.

How can i gain weight?

You are a teenager. Many teenagers are very thin, but they put on weight automatically as they grow older. This is because teenagers have a very high metabolic rate and burn calories fast. So, you should not try to put on weight by eating fatty food, since it may become difficult to lose this fat later.

User not receiving his own posts?

this is an e-mail proprovider issue- gmail is known for this. there is some setting in there to fix that I hear. the member needs to check out their own provider settings

Who will the Packers play in the playoffs?

i think if they beat the cardinals again in arizona, then they play the vikings in minnesota. that will be a great game to watch.

The more my fiancee & i love each other the more pain we cause for each other! How can i get her back? Advice?

Im 26 and was with my ex fiancee for 6yrs, engaged for 2 but we broke up 2mnths ago, She is 24 and we have known each other for 20yrs as our parents are friends. My brothers and i have earned ourselves a bad reputation, I want my girl back in my life, But we have a love-hate relationship our love is crazy, we're nuts, When we were together we were so happy and i love her more than i can stand it, Although i loved her so much, I am easily pissed off and have a really bad temper that if we where having a disagreement i would always shout in her face, violent words & smash something against the wall or sometimes even punch the wall/door & if she'd try walk away from me i'd grip her arm & i know i shouldn't have done that, Other times i'd call her a c*nt or speed in the car when she'd beg me to stop, But when we weren't fighting we couldn't of been happier, I always told her how much im in love with her and wanted us to marry & start a family, We'd always have our hands on each other, snuggle and our life was unbelievable. I grew up in a home where violence was the answer to everything, but i would never hurt her intentionally but she knew how to push my ons and i'd always lose the head with her and it would kill me seeing her cry but we always made up and she'd call me a f*cking a*shole among others, even push me, her temper can be as bad as mine but we would laugh about it later. Our friends always said he have a toxic relationship and don't know how we lasted as long as we did. When she broke up with me I dated other girls and she stayed single, every girl i was with couldn't compare to my ex and even when i'd sleep with them i thought about her. I asked her to lunch yesterday and told her i wanted her to take me back and she told me that it's sick that all these battles are what keeps her satisfied, but says things are better as they are now but cant imagine us being apart forever, She is the love of my life, I'm tired of the games & I just want her back. Any advice?

Why were trijets so popular back then 20 years ago?

Skipper7 is correct. Back then planes had to have enough power for extended range when flying over water. Now with reliability and power up. Aircraft can fly whats called ETOPS, extended twin ops. The reliability of the aircraft must be tracked and maintained to fly over water, some 757's and 767's are ETOPS but not all. Also you cannot use parts off of a non etops aircraft on ETOPS its a highly regulated operation. The fewer the engines the cheaper the operational cost.

How about this one? i thought this was a good essay but IDK?

It has some good comparisons but seems to be poorly organized. A good essay has an introductory paragraph that states the thesis. Next you should have three or more paragraphs explaining and supporting that thesis. Finally you need a conclusion that restates the thesis and wraps it all up. Do a rewrite in the proper form. As a rough draft, you did well in getting your ideas down on paper. Now all you have to do is the editing and formatting.

Who wants to be a tex friendi?

i live in connecticut and looking for tex friend first one who emails me I will send them my number and the first one who texs backs gets 10 points YOU MUST BE OVER 18 clean tex only

Why cant i use wifi for my Pokemon ds games?

Ok so since i had changed to att uverse i got this black new router.. all of a sudden my pokemon diamond wont get wifi it says it could not be supported !!! I wnat to trade but how can I is there a way i can connect to wifi on my ds with this new router!!!

Who Will Go On To Wrestlemania To Face The Undertaker ?

At First After Hearing The Announcment That HBK Will Face JBl On Raw I Meedietly Thought That It Would Be HBK V Taker At Mania. However This Past Week On SD Vladmir Kozlov Now Wants A Shot At Taker And He Is On Takers Brand Too Which Makes Me Think That He Will Face Him. I Really Want HBK To Face Taker. Please Tell Me Who Do You Think Will Face The Phenom At WM XXV ??

What ever happened to the golden fleece did it disappear?

Jason sacrificed the Golden Fleece to Ares, and the ram from which it came from became the constellation Aries.

Once serrano peppers turn red, are they done growing?

well, my roommate didn't water the plant much, soil was bone dry and the leaves were pretty wilted. i watered it and less than 12 hours later, the leaves look normal again. weird? anyhow, some of the peppers are red, so they done growing? what does red peppers go well in? or pretty much anything that green goes in?

If you were a wrestler. . .?

isn't this kind of what WWE pays writers for to make up their own ideas. Why should we give a bunch of ideas that could possibly be used by you to get into the business! You'll have some less intelligent people giving you a bunch of great ideas

I need some honest advice..?

Ok, being 19 is no excuse, and as for him not wanting to hang out with you on the weekends, thats messed up. It sounds like he doesnt care, and if his mother hadnt told you that he really liked you i would say that sounds like the behavior of a cheating guy. Cant see you because im "working." Or i need to "rest" cant see you at certain times because im out with "friends" If his mother says its just you maybe it is, but it doesnt sound like it. And if he really does need rest you being there shouldnt be a problem! My fiance works from 4 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon and he says the only reason he can get up in the morning is because of me. Seeing me relives his stress and makes his whole day better. And if he does care why wont he let you hang out with him and his friends? Seems like him buying you a few gifts is his way of getting away with things. I say dump him. There are great guys out there who are romantic, treat you right, and will be proud to say "This is my girl!" Sometimes it just takes awhile to find them, and you need to hold on to your standards. Good luck.

Puzzle Piecing and Deeds to family property?

first of all the marriage certif has nothing to do with it at the town or city hall they signed papers for a license that means they are married or maybe common law marriage .who evers name is on the deed they have ownership

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Am I the only one who thinks that The Streak vs Career match was a desperation move for WWE to get ppv buys?

The first thing that must've been going in WWE's head was obviously what a big draw this match would be, and how much money they'd make off of it. They put the money they'd make with this match first before Taker's streak and HBK's career.

Who would fundamentalists vote for between Hillary Clinton, a liberal and Mitt Romney a Mormon?

In politics, it is always going to be the lesser of the two evils. Though Mitt is mormon and his fundamental beliefs differ vastly from mine, I would ume that his basic moral standards would be close to mine than Hillary's are. I would vote for the person whose record showed that he had a higher respect for the sanctity of life- so far Hillary has not shown herself to have that much respect at all

In obtaining letters of recommendation for grad school, what would you suggest I do?

Did you have any job experience in the area that you are interested in pursuing? Some schools ask for letters of rec from a professor/faculty member and some from an employer if you are going into a specialized area that can attest to your experience and skill in that area.

Why did 3lw split??i know two of them are the cheetah girl; but what happened to 3lw?

It was terrible they got into a fight while eatting. Chicken was everywhere... the third girl Jessica got on a plane that evening and that was that she never came back to sing for them again.

Any know any good songs in the genre of these songs:?

in the same genre as Piano man by Billy Joel, Rocket Man, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Daniel by Elton John or Long Cool Woman by the Hollies. I am looking for other songs kinda like these in the same genre. Can ya help?

Im having a Birthday Party/Costume party..?

Any Ideas maybe like Celebs like what would be good for that or any ideas on the costume ideas and food and drinks and im not over 21 so no beer or anything like that but i think it would be cool if me and my friend were Paris Hilton and Nichole Richie [because its both of our party's] and were having it at the Renaissance hotel so its pretty nice and having it in the presidential suite.. Help please?

I need writing samples for a job interview but don't have any what should I do?

I applied to be a graphic designer at a company and I got a call back but I need to present them with writing samples along with my design work I don't really have any writing samples and I'm not quite sure what to do. I want to whip a couple out but wondering if any writers have suggestions of what an engineering company would be looking for. I know I would be writing content for brochures and ads. Any ideas?

Problem with SIMS 3 gameplay?

sounds like a glitch with the game,i have been having problems with my game with family members disappearing.I hope they will make more patches for the game.

If you are the C/E, what would be the best course of action that you would do? (Please read the following.)?

) A C/E is having a problem with his Main Propulsion Machinery since it has a very high fuel consumption compared when the said Propulsion machinery was brand new. His 2/E tells him one day that a probable cause might be the improper combustion of the fuel on the cylinders 1 and 5. One day, they decided to pull out the injectors at cylinders 1 and 5 and they found out further that the said injectors delivers the correct amount of fuel, however the viscosity and spray pattern was not at the optimum. If you are the C/E, what would be the best course of action that you would do? Support your answer and support any course of action that you would do if necessary.

Need help with this trade please?

your rb are solid with or without slaton n hightower, so its basically bowe n moss for barber n johnson. johnson has been on fire the last 4 games, but so has moss(including a 80yd punt return) and bowe is a solid wr,too...... i'd do it but i'd also look to swing hightower/slaton to someone else and see what you can get.......... good luck

I really feel the need for a really hot boyfriend 10 POINTS THNX.?

i want to start dating again, i havent really bin so physically attracted to my boyfriends of the past, and im known to be really pretty, not bragging(: but you know everytime i see a hot guy, i just wanna jump on him, ually but i also want him to be mine, aha i sound like a freak, but i really need a hot guy, what should i do, im not having or anything, im not a slut either, im kinda hard to get, but really hot guys are my weakness, and i want one:), maybe because i was so u sed to dating ... not so goodlooking guys, and now im hunting for a really hot one hahaa(: i sound like a lion rawr, uhm, how do i get a hot guys attention, without coming off as slutty, but more like a "iwant you.." kind of thing thanks!!

My exhusband was put in jail on contempt of court charge and ordered to 30 days in jail,however he is now out?

he was only in jail for a few days and is now out. how did he get out and will he have to go back to jail and serve out the rest of his 30 day sentence? The charges against him were contempt of court, liable slander and resistance to accept order. This all occurred in family court

My Poor Little Basil Plant...HELP!?

I received a gorgeous little basil plant for Christmas....and three days into owning him, he is wilted and turning the color of a dying plant. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I don't water him that much (could this be a problem?)...and I tried to keep him in the sun, but we have around 8 inches of snow on the ground I fear that sitting by the window is too cold. I am not sure how else he can get sun though? Is there any way to revive him or should I just try again? And how can I help him so he comes back to life? Thanks!

Evap line or faint bfp?

okay so at 6:30 this morning took i hpt. I only looked at it within the time limit and there was a very very very very faint line, it almost looked like an evap line, except it was in the first 3 minutes. im only 8 dpo and and my periods not due til the 18th, so bfp or evap line? also yesterday or the day before i had what i thought was implantatoin bleeding, it was brownish discharge kinda what it looks like right after my period when theres still a little blood in my cm. plus ive been really irritable and lots of tingly crampy pains. ugghh, the 2ww is horrible.

Im going on vacation to the Dominican Republic and would like some kind of language tool. Any help?

I suggest some online textbooks. They always have beginner and usable information that can help in any conversation. Just google some Spanish and French text books and you will be able to get info from you computer.

To all the ladies who got their BFP after their period was due?

I got my BFP the first day of my missed period with my 2nd and current 3rd pregnancy. I had an intuition though that I was expecting. I usually get cramps the week before and didn't get them that week before AF was due. Sure enough my BFP confirmed it all. I took the test once. Even used a Dollar Tree PT.

What's the most disturbing picture you've ever seen?

I remember playing the 'Scary Maze' game, but HOLY CRAP! Who the heck is that? I'm gonna have nightmares for a month! Hehe, my friend played it, though, and when he saw it....He flew backwards and somersaulted off the chair. HAHA. Funny. But that picture gave me the willies. Hate to see that in the mirror everyday.