Monday, August 15, 2011

Should I tell him I love him?

My advice is to you is to stay with him. I was in a similar situation as you, I'm 18 years young, I am currently in college & I have a boyfriend. We've known each other for about two years, we've been going out for about 1 year & 2 months & I can honestly say that I love him with all my heart & he feels the same way back. We both knew that college was coming up, but we didn't care, we talked about it & we both agreed that breaking up wouldn't be a good idea..why would you break up with someone when there has been no flaws in your relationship & most importantly when you love each other. I also knew that I was taking the risk of getting my heart broken, but I didn't care, I trusted him....we both went off to college, kept up with our communication with each other & we still have maintained this love for each other & it's stronger than it has ever been & I am SO HAPPY that we decided to stay together. SO, my advice to you is; stay with your boyfriend, if you trust him & you love him & he feels the same way back, than things won't go wrong. You said, "I will be lost without him" girl, that gives you your answer right there. This guy seems like he makes you happy, loves you, understands you & guides you..some of the most important characteristics that should be in a relationship. Remember, when you decide that you want to be in relationship with someone you are taking the risk of heartbreak, here's a question for every person out there, how are you going to find out who the right person is for you if you don't take those risks? I personally think it is worth risking <3

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