Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So I have this new guy in my life. He's great, but theres no chemistry.?

SO this guy named Jake and I, have been going on dates for 3 weeks. Im 16, he's 18. okay so on March 19 and 20th were just hangouts. and then on the 26th we went on a date we went rollerskating and then to a jacuzzi. it was so romantic. no kiss. on the 27th he picked me up from a birthday dinner and took me to the jacuzzi again and we even talked about kissing, i asked him to Sadie's(dance) he said yes. end of the date. still no kiss. and we were talking on facebook the other day, and he was telling how he's never had a gf, never kissed a girl, oh and btw hes super shy, has a baby voice kinda, just like the guy your parents would love, as well as you. My mom even let me go in his car. that was huge. :) and he even said on fb that he could see being in a serious relationship with me. Theres one problem, THERE IS NO CHEMISTRY. i keep trying and trying, because for once, everyone likes the guy im with, but with us its alot of awkward silences. And its just weird. I dont have alot of fun with him. Like my best friend said to me the other day "Lauren, I think you wanted to like him so much, you convinced yourself you did like him, but you never really did, you just liked the idea of him." she also said that, "the moment I realized I had to force the chemistry, our relationship was gone." ANyone else that i talk to about this, just wants me to suck it up, because hes practically the perfect uy, but just not for me. what the hell should I do?!?!?!?!?1?

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