Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thinking about voting BNP?

Why not demand your taxes (local and national) are spent on better police training, more infrastructure and a more efficient court system. The problem is not the fact that technology now can free skilled people to work anywhere in the world because all lanuages contain a finite number of words and the space in your mobile phone could store enough for you to get by. It could be your narrow mindedness, desire to train to be a judge but you're not sure which religious order to join before you, look. If you don't want to be stollen from, aulted or understand the most basic elements of capitalism (brand choice at a supermarket, food available on a menu) then respect the fact that laws exist but the lawyers, of whom the BNP have many, are the problem. Democracy is only still viewed as relevent because, on the face of it, it empowers the electorate who, much of the time, feels unimportant. Consider the reality that technology doesn't make us safe because of the prejudice of those who hold it, CCTV is the best example. You want people who are paid for at the taxpayers expense (an unfashionable fact but the child benefit your mum/dad/carer received when you were small, you remember, those trips to the post office) well, your upbringing was paid for in no small part by multiculturalism and if you have brought new blessings into the world you are a baby sitter invested in by the people of the world, if you see anything other than duty to multiculturalism, responsibility to multiculturalism and working towards ensuring your children are well balanced individuals then you are not British you are, instead, an illiterate criminal foreigner uninterested in values but, instead, only out for what you can get, more than likely, remembering that backward advice you were given to have 'self belief' rather than; a) 'be polite', b) 'respect capital investment' or c) 'respect the boundaries of others, lest your own be dissed' Anger? You haven't got a clue.

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